The family resides in a rented house in Begum Kot, where the mother works as a housemaid, earning a modest monthly income of 12,000 PKR. The father, who previously worked as a laborer, is now unable to work due to illness. One of their sons suffers from congenital epilepsy. They have sought educational assistance for their daughters. However, the institution where the children study does not have a bank account, making it impossible for the Welfare Network to directly pay the school fees. Instead, WN proposes providing the family with ration support to alleviate their food expenses, allowing them to save money to pay the school fees themselves. This approach ensures the children’s education is not disrupted while adhering to WN's operational procedures.
Beneficiary Data:
CNIC: 35202-30xxxx8-2
Occupation: Maid
Dependents: Husband and five children.
Project Objective:
Project Status:
Project Funding:
Funds Required by 07 Jan 2025: Rs 12,000
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